European migrants – British economy
European migrants – essential element of British economy.
Since the 2004, a large number of European migrants have arrived to the UK. This process of migration has not finished yet. 2004 year was the crucial moment in the history of the European Union as then ten European countries from Eastern and Central part of Europe joined the EU, this accession known as “A10” included: Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia.
Since that moment the United Kingdom has become “the cheap labour economy of the European Union”. Most European migrants were only blue-collar workers, and British citizens were glad that such a new cheap labour force replaced them in performing the simplest but the hardest jobs. Nevertheless, it turned out that a lot of arriving immigrants were not only skilled and very hard-working, but also they were well-educated, some of them even more than Brits. Most people who are going to the UK want to work legally, pay taxes, and not to be considered financial burden of any country. Nevertheless, because of an extreme influx of immigrants, there are a lot of British people who are unsatisfied with their country’s economic position.
The presence of the other cultures in the United Kingdom is noticeable at every turn. Now, Brits are fed up with immigration, and they claim that because of immigrants, they are deprived of workplaces and benefits. Obviously, there are people who are going to the UK in a bid to be on benefit. Nonetheless, according to numerous researches, most of immigrants are employed and the amount they pay to the public purchase is much more than amount of benefits they receive. In addition, a research conducted by the UCL Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration, showed that more than 80% of the whole number of immigrants is in employment, while only 71% of British people work legally. It should be underlined that immigrants from countries such Spain, Italy, Germany, and France pay in taxes 64% more than they receive in their enumerations.
There also needs to be added that since 2004 i.e., the onset of the wave of immigration, the number of immigrates who received a state benefits was 43% less than the number of natives who also received welfares. Based on it, we can draw a conclusion that immigrants from all European countries are contributing more to the UK economy, than British residents. Brits should understand that European immigrants are not a drain of British financial system as they contribute to British economy much more than they receive. The UK is attractive place not only for the cheap labour but for highly educated migrants also. By working in restaurants and hotels, some of them even waste their potential. Instead of complaining, British people should be aware of fact that without migrants and taxes they pay, they as a country would not have been such a world power as they are now. It is a time to realise that arrivals work more, have better education, and pay higher taxes than British.