Accounting UK – important informations

Accounting UK – Tips for job seekers

Every year a lot of foreigners come to England in the search of work. There is nothing here – there is much more work in the UK, and earnings are incomparably higher than in other EU countries, even at lower levels of education. One of the fastest growing industries in this country is the accounting UK. This is due to the huge demand for accounting services, especially among small and medium-sized enterprises. For people who intend to work as an accountant, we have some information that will be useful to them.

Skills and qualifications

To work as an accountant, you do not need a huge qualifications or several years of experience. You might as well start from scratch, but your career path will be much longer and more difficult (but if you really wish to achieve something, you will overcome everything). So, how should you start? You need: Microsoft Excel skills and passed matriculation exam in mathematics. Of course, a good knowledge of English is also necessary – communicative level is a minimum. Having the experience in administrative work will also be an advantage, so if you have any, you should note it in your CV. Accounting UK is a sector where you have to use specialized software for bookkeeping, so if you have the experience with it, it is essential to boast. What programs you should know? Certainly Sage Line, IRIS or QuickBooks. Naturally, the best in this business are certified accountants. To get it, you must attend one of the courses, pass an examination and an internship. The courses last several weeks. However they are the easiest and fastest way to obtain a diploma certified accountant. You can pay for them yourself, but there are situations in which the employer pays the total cost, eg. if the employee needs to increase or expand the qualifications. What’s more, the person who wants to work in the accounting UK industry must be able to count well, demonstrate the analytical thinking ability, has to be able to work under pressure, be timely, meticulous and has to have great communication skills.

The initial tasks of accountants

If you are already employed as an accountant you do not have to worry about that in the first days of work you will get a huge amounts of difficult tasks. At the beginning, you deal with the posting of invoices and making payments indicated on them, following the accounts, deposits and withdrawals, checking balances, ledgers, preparation of monthly and annual reports and filling VAT returns. Moreover, the scope of your responsibilities will include control of expenses of the company and administrative support to the accounting officer. However, if you already have experience, because you once worked in the accounting UK, it is likely that you will begin to perform more serious and responsible tasks, i.e. you shall prepare complex financial reports, budget planning or help the senior accounting auditors.

When and where to look for work?

As we have mentioned earlier, accounting UK is a sector in which there is considerable demand for specialists. So where to look for work? First of all – on the websites of large companies and corporations. You can also browse such jobseeking portals like Also try to check the accounting offices operating in your area and ask if they needed an employee or a trainee. Also feel free to forward them your resume if you have something to boast about. Perhaps at the moment no one is looking, but in half a year there will be a vacant position and you’ll get a call. A good option is to also seek the assistance of recruitment agencies (which are in abundance in UK). As for the best time to look for employment, it is, without a doubt, the end of the tax year – the last days of April.

If you are looking for accounting UK you should visit